With love and expertise, Mansfield City Schools prepares diverse leaders and builds positive relationships with students, staff, and educational allies.

Mansfield City Schools will be the premier learning destination of Richland County.

Permanent Improvement Plan

Mansfield City Schools Tentative
Five Year Permanent Improvement Plan

District wide asphalt $25,000
District wide plumbing  fixtures $10,000
Malabar phase 1windows $100,000
Prospect hallway floors $10,000
Prospect classroom floors $15,000
Sherman phase 2 roof $75,000
Springmill phase 2 roof $75,000
Springmill boiler replacement $120,000
Woodland paint gym and hallways $40,000
Malabar Mehock Bleachers $48,170
Malabar Mehock drainage/fence $25,000
Malabar  Pool Boiler $40,000
Gunther Mechanical Purchase Service $45,200
Gardiner Trane Purchase Service $40,000
Dump Truck Bed $18,000
Delivery Mail Truck $35,000
Total $721,370
District wide asphalt $25,000
District wide plumbing  fixtures $10,000
Hedges paint gym $15,000
Malabar phase 2 windows $100,000
Prospect classroom flooring $25,000
Sherman phase 3 roof (roof completed) $75,000
Sherman paint gym $15,000
Springmill phase 3 roof (roof completed) $75,000
Woodland  boiler replacement $100,000
Woodland  paint classrooms $40,000
Total $480,000
District wide asphalt $25,000
District wide plumbing fixtures $10,000
Malabar phase 3 windows (windows complete) $100,000
Newman phase 1windows $100,000
Prospect phase 3 flooring (flooring complete) $25,000
Raemelton boiler replacement $75,000
Raemelton phase 1roof $75,000
Sherman paint hallways $40,000
Total $450,000
District wide asphalt $25,000
District wide plumbing fixtures $10,000
Brinkerhoff Spanish Immersion phase 1windows  $100,000
Newman phase 2 windows (windows complete) $100,000
Raemelton phase 2 roof $75,000
Sherman phase 3 paint classrooms (complete)  $25,000
Springmill boiler replacement $60,000
West Fifth boiler replacement $60,000
Total $455,000
District  wide asphalt $25,000
District  wide plumbing fixtures $10,000
Brinkerhoff Spanish Immersion boiler replacement  $120,000
Brinkerhoff Spanish Immersion  phase 2 windows $100,000
Hedges phase 1 roof $75,000
Hedges paint hallways $25,000
Prospect paint hallways $15,000
Raemelton phase 3 roof (roof complete) $75,000
Total $445,000

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